Thursday, 29 May 2014

Assignment Higher Power On Seeing the hordes of people, the prophet went up to the mountain and sat down, and his closest followers gathered round

Assignment Higher Power: "Seeing the hordes of people, the prophet went up to the mountain and sat down, and his closest followers gathered round.

And he opened his mouth, and this is what he taught: Life’s most fortunate are those who are humble enough to receive the truth. They shall know the true beauty of life...Read what he said below:"

do not use others’ lack of healing as an excuse for not healing yourself. It is all too easy to focus on others’ flaws at the expense of your own inward journey. Many who purport to heal others have not the slightest awareness of their own insanity.

Assignment Higher Power: "The Child Within never goes out for a smoke break."

Assignment Higher Power: "The Child Within never goes out for a smoke break."

Where we have decide the fate of others in our own minds, we violate them and disrespect their integrity. This only expresses the violations and disrespect to which we were subjected as a child and to which we continue to subject ourself through our own lack of emotional resolution. When we fail to honour the healing power that lies within others we only demonstrate our failure to honour the healing power within ourself.

Anybody can awaken to their truth of being.

Meditation Mind: "Anybody can awaken to their truth of being. And yet, when it is realised, often the person who has committed a large portion of his or her life to the spiritual path is more readily able to let go and flow with that realisation than the person who hasn’t been on a spiritual path.

Does that have anything to do with some sort of merit earned by sitting on a meditation cushion, or whatever the spiritual practice was?

Absolutely not! It has nothing to do with that.

It has nothing whatever to do with preparing the field, tilling the soil, or fertilising our being.

It’s just that it’s possible, though not a guarantee, that someone who has made the spiritual search his or her priority in life is already in fidelity to truth when awakening happens.

Awakening was wanted more than anything else, and his or her life has been a living, walking, breathing demonstration of this fidelity."

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