Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Abuse, disrespect, traumas, be they from childhood or later in life, fester in our unconscious and lurk under our surface destructively in our adulthood.

Abuse, disrespect, traumas, be they from childhood or later in life, fester in our unconscious and lurk under our surface destructively in our adulthood. Until we heal our ancient injuries an angry and hurt child within rules our life through an adult pose. This is our false shadow self, and with it in charge we are cut off from our real child within and powerless to embody our truth. Our unresolved traumas pollute our relationships and drive us to addiction, depression, dissociation, and other forms of mental and physical illness. Our misplaced attempts to heal to numb and avoid our wounds, only add to our misery. Our lives suffer the brunt of our unconscious living, and our fellows and the environment also pay a price. When we look within and admit that this is what our life has come to, we start to awaken .

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